Judges 5:10 "Speak, ye that ride on white asses, ye that sit in judgment, and walk by the way."
This verse, found in "The song of Deborah and Barak" is difficult to translate because it contains Hebrew words the have dropped out of use. However, scholars have come up with two different thoughts as to the overall meaning and the understanding of individual phrases of this verse. The phrase: "Ye that ride on white asses", one translation suggests that the "white" was actually a richly woven tapestry thrown over the back of an ass or any riding animal; while the second translation understands it to be literally the color of the animal. The phrase: "Ye that sit in judgment". This can mean literally "men of the law who are chosen to judge the common" people, or an indication of the manner in which one is riding --an erect posture. The phrase: "Walk by the way". Most agree that this means the common person. However, there is also the thought that this might mean those who travel from place to place. (Judges 5:10) . The Vulgate translates the phrase as "shinning asses", meaning a sleek or well-fed animal. From Young's Literal Translation of the Bible: "Riders on white asses--Sitters on a long robe--And walkers by the way--meditate!" In Ancient Persia, men of the law were allowed the privilege of riding white asses, thus showing their elevated place in society. The whiteness of the ass was an indication of their sterling character, which was the standard for their obtaining such a coveted position. From Lady Isabel Burton: "My husband always gives me the entire command of the stable. I bought a camel (and) a snow-white donkey, which is the most honourable mount for grand visiting. ("The Inner Life of Syria, Palestine, and the Holy Land" (from my private Journal) Volume 1, p. 136. Published in London, 1876.) From James Morier: "The Mollahs, or men of the law, are generally to be seen riding about on mules, and they do account it a dignity, and suited to their character, to ride on white asses." ("Second Journey through Persia, Armenia and Asia Minor", p.136. Published 1818.) In the ancient world, men of wealth and influence were easily recognized by their choice of mounts and the manner in which they rode. Since white donkeys were rare and costly (imported mainly from Arabia) and tapestries made the finest of seats, then it stands to reason that only the very rich or very important could afford to ride on a "white ass". From a historical perspective, it is interesting to note that three different ranks of society of Israel are being mentioned: the rich, the magistrates, and the common man. The action taking place in this verse is Deborah and Barak exhorting all the people of Israel to rejoice in the defeat of Jabin, the Canaanite king, to spread the word of this victory among all Israel, and to extoll the goodness and blessings of God. Copyright by Ancient Bible History - Eden Games Inc.
May 2023